Real art.
100% unique.
Always limited edition of 1.
True collectors' items.
1x Art is dedicated to truly unique art which always exists in only one copy, no matter if it's paintings, photography, sculptures, digital art, NFTs or other forms of art. What turns something ordinary into art in the hands of the artist is the uttermost care for the craft. Anything can be perfected into an art when performed at the absolute highest level with vast experience, full attention and unrelenting passion, even something as simple as sweeping the street. Art is forged as a reflection of the thoughts, dreams and hopes of the craftsman and as an artist you need the ultimate courage to expose your most inner self. But the best art is not just blessed by the undying soul of the artist, it has the ability to make us feel, to be affected and to open us up to previously unimagined perspectives. It makes us explore brand new worlds and ultimately discover ourselves.
I want to fly by Radoslav Penchev
What you find here on 1XA, you will find nowhere else, because these are true collectors' items, only existing in a single copy, meaning they are totally unique. When you watch one of our paintings, consider the painter, carefully laying out each brush stroke. When you see our photography, consider the photographer waiting for hours, days or years to have just the right light hit the lens of the camera. When looking at our sculptures think about the sculptor's hands slowly forming a lifeless mass of clay, enchanting it with years of experience, making it spring to life.
Running hands by Radoslav Penchev
What is the best gift to someone who already has everything? What you find here is guaranteed never to have been owned by someone else or existing anywhere else in the world, which means it's the perfect gift. True collectibles are totally unique and not multiplied into millions of copies. Art is not about being the same as everyone else, it's about finding our uniqueness and thinking in new divergent ways. When you are standing in front of the single only existing piece of a real artwork, you stand in awe, almost able to feel the breath of the artist. Real art is a counterweight to our world spinning faster and faster, because it demands and deserves your time and unyielding attention.
TAXI by Radoslav Penchev
1x Art is coming soon with 100% unique artworks. If you want to collect unique art or as an artist be part of our movement, sign up to our newsletter below and we will keep you in the loop.
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